
Homegrown Valentine

Roses are red, violets are blue, my body's awesome, and yours is too! Okay, okay. Maybe the last time you handed out valentines was in your third grade classroom, where you promptly discarded the gluey colored paper for the candies they came with. Fair. In this season of love and appreciation, heap some on yourself,… Continue reading Homegrown Valentine


What up, FAM?

There are so many ways to connect with your body, and I'm a big believer that what works for you is what's best. If you are cycling (not on hormonal birth control, pregnant, or breastfeeding without a cycle) and want to learn more about your body, the the fertility awareness method (FAM) might be a… Continue reading What up, FAM?


New Years Body Shaming

We are in the bullsh*t body shaming hey day of the year. It's a field day of body hate on the radio, in the gym, and for a lot of us, with our friends and family. Radio commercials that, if spoken between people, would raise red flags for bullying. 30 foot long gym banners that… Continue reading New Years Body Shaming