
Homegrown Valentine

Roses are red, violets are blue, my body’s awesome, and yours is too!

Okay, okay. Maybe the last time you handed out valentines was in your third grade classroom, where you promptly discarded the gluey colored paper for the candies they came with. Fair.

In this season of love and appreciation, heap some on yourself, too. Make yourself a cup of tea, settle down in the comfiest chair with the fluffiest blanket, and spend a little quality time with your number one.

Set the Stage

What do you need to do to get an hour to yourself? Start there – leave work early, send the kids off to a friends or hire a sitter, have your partner take care of dinner. Schedule the time for yourself in your calendar, and honor it as an appointment! From there – your only job is to get comfy cozy and be present with yourself.

As you prepare, think of what your favorite calming rituals, spaces and tricks are. What feels indulgent to you? Once you’ve identified them, work a couple ideas into you valentine’s reflection. You could steam and froth the milk for your drink, light a delicious smelling candle, wear those dangling earrings that sweep against your shoulders. You could dress up or layer in your warmest leggings. Whatever little things make you feel good, now is the time to bust them out!

Ask Yourself This

Break out the journal and smooth writing pen, and free write your thoughts on the following questions:

  • What kind of love would you like to receive from yourself and others?
  • What is your love language? How can you love yourself this way?
  • How do you want to feel in relationship with yourself, your partner, your family, and your friends?
  • What changes or boundaries might you need going forward to support yourself in feeling this way?

When you can feel your reflection time wrapping up, ask yourself this final questions

  • How would I like to be loved on today?


Whatever it is that would make you feel loved today, get it on your calendar. A pedicure, an afternoon coffee, going out to lunch at work this week, new underwear (seriously!), a really sweaty workout with loud music.

Connecting with yourself and then honoring your needs builds a foundation of trust and communication between you and your body. And that’s a way better gift than a stuffed bear from RiteAid (unless, of course, that’s your treat to yourself!)

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