Senses, Uncategorized

Coming to Your Senses – Taste

Many of us, women especially, learned long ago to avoid taking pleasure in our food. We rush through our meals, eat while working, use meal replacement shakes and bars, or skip meals entirely. Feeling stressed around mealtimes and our food brings us further out of our bodies, and skipping meals is a clear sign to our body that it is not safe with us. Beginning to nourish yourself on a regular basis (every 3-4 hours as a baseline, more if you are experiencing hunger) is the cornerstone of building body trust.

Learning to take pleasure in the taste of our food is a rebellious experience, and is challenging. I encourage you to read the list and pick two practices, big or small, that you can try this week. I’ve included a range of suggestions, from free to a meal out, to allow everyone to work within their comfort zones and budgets.

If you notice a lot comes up for you during this week, know that is normal. Consider seeking the support of a professional, including a qualified non-diet RD and therapist. This is a momentous step towards living in your body, and feeling ease around food.


  • Pick out a perfectly ripe fruit and enjoy the sweetness and texture of your food.
  • Tune into your cravings and ask yourself if you’re hungry for something crunch or soft, sweet or salty, hot or cold – and then go eat something that fits those cravings and sounds amazing.
  • Leave early for work and enjoy a coffee or hot drink at the coffee shop, not the car or your desk. Drink from a mug or a glass.
  • Eat a meal without distractions from your phone, TV or email. Take time to really savor your food.
  • Notice when food stops tasting as good and practice stopping when you are full. If you are hungry again, let yourself have more.
  • Pick up a fun drink at the grocery store if you usually drink water. Try an iced tea, lemonade, or flavored sparkling water. Enjoy as part of a snack or meal.
  • Make a list of your favorite foods and meals. Incorporate them into your life. What can you eat today that you love?
  • Take a full lunch break away from your desk or office space. Eat slowly. Get outside if possible.
  • If you have access to one, walk through a farmers market and pick a new food to try. If you don’t like it, that’s okay. The trying is the important part.
  • Go out to dinner at a new restaurant. Try a cuisine that is unfamiliar to you. If you don’t like your dish, that’s okay, you can order something else or eat something familiar at home. If there aren’t a lot of restaurants near you, pick up a frozen meal at the grocery store from a new cuisine.
  • If you struggle with eating, food, or dieting, take the first step to reach out to a registered dietician near you. Sometimes we all need extra help caring for our body and soul. Look for a dietician that practices intuitive eating, and look at intuitive eating blogs such as and Find more information and resources online here.


Join us next week as we explore the sense of sight, and let me know what you try and learn from this week’s exercise!

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