Blog, Senses

Coming to Your Senses – A Five Part Series

Remember learning about your five senses in elementary school? I bet there was a song and a little experiment you practiced to help you see how your body helps you understand the world around you.

This probably came naturally to you at a young age, but now that you’re not 6 anymore, how do you use your senses to ground yourself in the present moment? How do you use the amazing sensitivity of your body to experience this world?

Our body constantly uses our senses to process our environment – all through the work day, our evening routines, and while we sleep. Practicing noticing and taking pleasure in the our senses helps us drop into our bodies and clear mental chatter. Building in time to notice and use our senses helps strengthen to habit of being in our bodies, and builds body trust as a pathway to our bodily wisdom.

In this mini-series, I will be exploring ways to drop into your body through your senses. Watch for posts with suggestions and ideas to help integrate this practice into your life over the next two weeks!


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